Killing In The Name Of God

This map tells a story.


How many have to die in the name of religion?


I am trying to make sense of this.

What God tells you to kill innocent people?

I am an Atheist and respect people’s beliefs but, I sit here and watch, day after day, stories of people killing each other in the name of their religion and I can’t help but be horrified.  I can’t help but, think that there is no God that would support killing.  I grew up Catholic and one of the Ten Commandments is Thou shall not kill….that’s pretty cut and dry.  I am not bashing religion.  It has a beautiful, peaceful, loving place is so many people’s hearts.  How does it turn so evil?

Now, this baby.  This sweet innocent baby.  What good reason is there for murdering a baby?

Rest in peace little one and all of those who have gone before you in the name of religion.

I can’t begin to tell you how deeply saddened this makes me.

Love conquers all and I refuse to believe otherwise.

Go, this weekend, and do something loving for someone in honor of Ali Darweesh, his family and all of those who have lost their lives in the name of religion.

Spread love.