My Heart Just Grew Bigger #Refugeeswelcome


I rushed home as soon as I could after work yesterday.  My daughter had a list of errands for me to run with her mainly because she just got her learner’s permit and wants to drive EVERYWHERE and of course, being the good Mom I am, I accommodated her.  I, however, did not take the time to cook dinner…it was a sandwich night.

I took a shower, got into my comfy pajamas, positioned a bunch of pillows on my couch and settled down for the night.  The first page captured me and would not let go.  My initial plan was to read of the book, some last night, and then read the remainder today on my gloomy, rainy day off today.  It didn’t work out that way.

A couple of chapters in, I knew my plans had changed.  I could not put it down.  I had to know what happened next.  I fell in love with this former refugee, her beautiful life, her family, and the never ending love that surrounded her and created a world beyond the horrors of war, that would lead her to flourish.

I will keep this book in my special bookcase and treasure it always.  It means that much to me because my beautiful friend Becky is the Author.  I have read every word she has written here with delight, sorrow, laughter, and love but, never imagined her book would capture my heart as deeply as it has.

Becky you have a beautiful, mind, heart, and soul.  You, at your young age, have done more to contribute to this world than fifty people will in a lifetime despite having such a difficult start at life.  It is impossible not to love you, and I do.

Golden Valley Silver Flowers is available at:

The proceeds are generously being donated to help the world’s new refugees because THAT is who becky is…selfless.

I am not telling you to buy this book for any other reason than that it will change your life…it will inspire you and make you truly believe that nothing is impossible.

I love you Becky.

Killing In The Name Of God

This map tells a story.


How many have to die in the name of religion?


I am trying to make sense of this.

What God tells you to kill innocent people?

I am an Atheist and respect people’s beliefs but, I sit here and watch, day after day, stories of people killing each other in the name of their religion and I can’t help but be horrified.  I can’t help but, think that there is no God that would support killing.  I grew up Catholic and one of the Ten Commandments is Thou shall not kill….that’s pretty cut and dry.  I am not bashing religion.  It has a beautiful, peaceful, loving place is so many people’s hearts.  How does it turn so evil?

Now, this baby.  This sweet innocent baby.  What good reason is there for murdering a baby?

Rest in peace little one and all of those who have gone before you in the name of religion.

I can’t begin to tell you how deeply saddened this makes me.

Love conquers all and I refuse to believe otherwise.

Go, this weekend, and do something loving for someone in honor of Ali Darweesh, his family and all of those who have lost their lives in the name of religion.

Spread love.

Save the Humans

This is exactly what I was thinking today….here we are celebrating “Earth” Day and we are literally destroying ourselves as the human race…..Assad, North Korea, Russia, ISIS, ISIL, people starving with others throwing food away….I could go on and on and on….Be nice to each other….stop spending $5000 on a pocketbook and feed someone with that money….stop looking the other way and DO something!!

See, there's this thing called biology...

Today is Earth Day, as if everyday is not Earth Day and so we need a special day to remember that we are all trapped on the third rock from the sun.

I love the Earth and all the wonders to be found there, but honestly the Earth is doing just fine. It’s the humans that are a complete mess and in desperate need of a good clean up effort. The Earth is far bigger and badder than we are and quite capable of repairing the harm we do to it. I love to watch nature reclaim an old barn, cover it with greenery and moss, and eventually pull it down. The Earth reclaims herself in surprising short order. Humans, not so much. We are incredibly fragile, stubborn, foolish, and often unable to even see our own vulnerabilities.

I would really like us to consider saving the humans, rather than…

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Sending Love Around the World

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One of the things I love most about blogging and WordPress is the map on the stats page.  I look at it every day and see that people from all over the world have somehow found my blog and read something I have written.  It literally thrills me to see countries on that map who are from countries that do not necessarily like Americans.  I secretly hope that something that I write touches their heart and makes them realize that there are people out there in this big world who only want peace and love for everyone.

When I see all the horrible things people in our world have to endure, it breaks my heart.  I cry for those who are hungry, homeless, cold, stuck in a war zone….I wish I could help each and every one of them.  I cry for the young people who are being used to promote violence and terrorism….their childhoods torn from them.  The families torn apart by war.  Young girls sold into the sex trade.

I wonder what we are becoming to let all of these terrible things happen.  I worry for the future of the world.

This is what I want people from around the world.  If every single person did one good thing to help another each day, the whole world would change.

It would be my hope that the few words I have written here would move one person to open their heart to another.


Disclaimer- unladylike language-
ISIS and ISIL translates into English as –
Fucking scum of the earth cowardly murders.
Yeah, I said it.

The Silent Soldier

dApril 9, 2015

Christian Patriots:

Earlier this week the FBI issued a warning that hackers sympathetic to the Islamic State will use WordPress plugin vulnerabilities to compromise websites.

“These individuals are hackers using relatively unsophisticated methods to exploit technical vulnerabilities and are utilizing the ISIL name to gain more notoriety than the underlying attack would have otherwise garnered,” the FBI public service announcement states. “Methods being utilized by hackers for the defacements indicate that individual Web sites are not being directly targeted by name or business type. All victims of the defacements share common WordPress plug-in vulnerabilities easily exploited by commonly available hacking tools.”

The FBI says “ISIS-branded attacks” have targeted news organizations, commercial entities, religious institutions, federal, state, and local government institutions, foreign governments, and assorted other domestic and international websites, according to ZDNet, a business technology news website published by CBS Interactive.

On Wednesday, the “Islamic State…

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Avaaz- Planet Syria- We can Hear You

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We can do something to help the people of Syria- Take action TODAY and help spread love and hope to the people of Syria and around the world!

On Twitter- @planetsyria

Follow this link to find out what action you can take to help the innocent people of Syria-

Love Was Buried in Amsterdam

This is my FRESHLY PRESSED adopted daughter. Becky is an amazing woman, a scientist, and an amazing writer! To follow her blog is an honor. She writes of her experiences of the sadness of war that she endured with such beauty. She is truly an inspiration to all.
Love you, Becky XOXO You deserve a beautiful life!