Mass Incarceration in The United States


One out of every 5 adults in the United States is Incarcerated.

Approximately 74% of those are Black or Hispanic.

Mandatory sentences MUST be abolished.

Mass incarceration is institutionalized racism and an unacceptable violation of the civil rights of minorities in the United States.

The United States as less than 5% of the world’s population yet, houses 25% of the world’s prison population.

Many are imprisoned on non-violent offences.

We must end the drug war that is unfairly targeting minorities and those in poverty.

Take action-

This hurts minorities and those affected by poverty.

This hurts families and children.

We cannot remain silent.

This has to stop.

Save the Humans

This is exactly what I was thinking today….here we are celebrating “Earth” Day and we are literally destroying ourselves as the human race…..Assad, North Korea, Russia, ISIS, ISIL, people starving with others throwing food away….I could go on and on and on….Be nice to each other….stop spending $5000 on a pocketbook and feed someone with that money….stop looking the other way and DO something!!

See, there's this thing called biology...

Today is Earth Day, as if everyday is not Earth Day and so we need a special day to remember that we are all trapped on the third rock from the sun.

I love the Earth and all the wonders to be found there, but honestly the Earth is doing just fine. It’s the humans that are a complete mess and in desperate need of a good clean up effort. The Earth is far bigger and badder than we are and quite capable of repairing the harm we do to it. I love to watch nature reclaim an old barn, cover it with greenery and moss, and eventually pull it down. The Earth reclaims herself in surprising short order. Humans, not so much. We are incredibly fragile, stubborn, foolish, and often unable to even see our own vulnerabilities.

I would really like us to consider saving the humans, rather than…

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