Our Broken Criminal “Justice” System Ruining yet ANOTHER Young Person’s Life!


This is a tragic result of how broken our criminal justice system in the United States.  On a dating app, this young man met what he thought was an 18-year-old girl.  She lied.  She was 14 but, he had no way of knowing that.  The girl’s Mother even testified on his behalf pleading NOT to make him a sex offender but, they did anyway.  Now, this poor young man’s life is now ruined.

Please read the article below.  It can happen to any young man.  I know of two young men this has happened to personally!  This can easily happen to MY 18-year-old son.  Cases need to be looked at according to circumstances and NOT just thrown into a pile of cases to get through quickly just to get home at 5pm for dinner.  These are people’s lives!

Things need to change!


Please go to Change.org to support Zach Anderson and his family-
