The Innocent Casualties of Addiction

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I remember when Whitney Houston died.  Her daughter Bobbie Christina only 18 years old.  As I watched the news coverage and read the tweets I became deeply disturbed.  People were saying the most horrible things.  I remember thinking that, like any other 18-year-old, her daughter was online reading these things.  I remember thinking any chance that poor girl, who had just lost her beloved Mother, was destroyed further by a bunch of ignorant strangers.

Losing your Mother is difficult enough at 18.  Compound that with all those people hiding behind a computer screen, saying her Mother DESERVED to die because she suffered from addiction, and I knew then her life was going to be an uphill battle at best.

In my mind, all those people with their careless mouths and their uneducated views on drug addiction have a hand in where Bobbie Christina is right now.

The fact that they had to do CPR is not a good sign at all.  I strongly suspect that the family is struggling with a decision to terminate life support. Imagine that.

Imagine that you wrote those tweets or comments that she saw.  You laughed at the jokes made at the expense of her Mother.  Those comments ridiculing the Mother that she loved so deeply.  What do you think that did to her already broken heart?

I think we all know what it did now but, it’s too late…isn’t it?