Apparently, I’m A Bitch


So, I am at the Motley Crue concert with my niece.  She mentioned that she wanted to see them which, surprised me because she is only 18 years old.  It was her birthday last week so, being her favorite Aunt, I took her.  Alice Cooper is touring with them and let me tell you, that 72-year-old man was amazing!  When he went off stage, I turned to my niece and told her that if Alice Cooper was that incredibly good then, Motley Crue was going to blow her mind!

The lights start to go down.  We had great seats!  This giant man starts to walk past us at exactly the moment Motley Crue was coming on.  Now, a normal person would understand this and quickly walk past to get to their seat, right?  Well, THIS guy stops, sees that I have my camera ready and TURNS AROUND to watch the show right in front of me as he was squashing me into my seat.  I yelled, “please move on”.  He turns around and looks at me and then turns to continue watching the concert begin.  I then yell again, “PLEASE get out of my way”!  He hears me and continues to stand there while his friend who is behind his is urging him to continue walking to his seat.  I then YELL, “Will you get the fuck (I swear….sorry) out of my way”!  He turns and yells BACK at me and gives me that ‘wanna go’ look.    He just stands there and stares me down.   I am a Nurse so, I boldly stare back.  I mean, what was he going to do?  Hit me?  I then have to ask him AGAIN to get out of my way and I  said it the same way as the last time I said it.  He finally moves on, staring me down as he walked past and beyond.  He then yells, “You’re a BITCH”!  Wait, was that supposed to reduce me to a puddle of tears?  Was I supposed to feel intimidated?  Insulted?  Yawn.  I gave him an amused look and forgot about him.  As a Mom, I would be horrified if my son ever treated a woman or anyone like that.

Why is it that anytime a woman tries to stand up for herself she is a bitch?  I was nice at first…he is the one who would not move.  Was I supposed to bow to his masculinity and miss the start of the concert?  I don’t think that will ever happen…now with me, anyway.  I instantly forgot about him, and went on to see the best concert I have ever seen in my life.  My niece LOVED it and said it was the best concert she had ever seen in her life!

Turns out he was in the wrong row to begin with.  Dumbass.

People With Too Much Spare Time

One of the things I love most about WordPress is the sense of community.  It it wonderful to find support, learn that you are not the only one going through something, and even learn about other peoples life experiences.  Most of the people I have encountered here are amazing and kind.

Several months ago, I posted a comment to another persons blog.  That comment resulted in someone else, who is widely known to bully, actually finding me on facebook and sending me a friend request with their fake profile.  This profile had a picture of an animal for the profile picture and all of their friends also had animal pictures for the profile picture….18 of them.  Upon further investigation by a good friend of mine in law enforcement I found out all their information….name, address, age, and so on.

That Facebook request was a rather thinly veiled threat…a form of intimidation.  They wanted me to know they found me which is funny because I wasn’t hiding in the first place so, it was rather easy.  Now, most people who know me know that I don’t participate in juvenile behavior like that.  I don’t hide behind a computer screen and try to scare people or attempt to bully them.  I don’t use my blog to rant and rave about another person.  I find that behavior pathetic.  I don’t have to use my blog to try and prove anything because I have never once in my life bullied or harassed anyone for any reason.  I feel sorry for someone who participates in behavior like that.  I look at any threat to me as a threat to my family and that does not sit well with me.

When I first got the friend request ,it was a little unnerving but, I quickly realized that my law enforcement friend would do whatever it took to protect me.  I am not sure why people do this kind of thing.  It is odd and sad at the same time.

I do, however, feel a tinge of envy that someone has enough free time in their life to spend it harassing people they don’t even know.  I am too busy to even post here on WordPress!  Then I think about it and have come to the conclusion that I would rather be as busy as I am than to be so alone in my life that I have the free time to terrorize people for no reason.

I have people who love me, depend on me and make my life full.

I guess that is the reason that bullying someone doesn’t even enter my mind.

Because I am loved.

1st American Idol Winner, Kelly Clarkson gets mocked of by Chris Wallace because of her weight – Give us your thoughts?

I am willing to bet if Chris Wallace had to walk around with his tiny man parts hanging out all day for the world to see he wouldn’t be so quick to put women down.  Just sayin.

Only insecure people bully!!

Yes, Adults Bullying Children is Alive and Well


I was divorced when my children were 5 and 7 years old.  I raised them to be honest, thoughtful, kind children.  The manner in which I was raising them, did not suddenly change when I signed my divorce papers.  The school they went to and their young ages, created an environment where they were surrounded by kids living in two parent homes.  My own parents were divorced in 1977.  In those days no one got divorced…rather it was less common.  We lived on a cul-de-sac in a great neighborhood.  The second my parents separated, my older sister and I lost our babysitting jobs…the neighborhood kids shunned us and eventually we were the target of their bullying.  Thankfully, that stopped because we moved shortly after although, I don’t remember caring much about what they said to us…it was just a mild discomfort to me.  Looking back on it, I can see how painful it would be to a child to be made fun of simply because their parents were divorcing.  Divorce is hard enough on kids, never mind having to deal with schoolyard bullies, right?

Fast forward to my own divorce.  The kids  in my children’s classes never made fun of them or treated them differently when they became the children of divorced parents.  To my utter and complete shock, it was the parents of the other children and their own Stepmother who became the bullies to my children. Suddenly, my children were to be watched closely.  I had no idea any of this was going on until it came to my attention in three different ways.

The first indication of adult bullying of my children, came from their own Father’s house.  My daughter came home in tears to me one day telling me that her Stepmother had accused her of stealing her stepsister’s gum.  I thought it was a misunderstanding but, when I spoke to her Father about it he was convinced she did it.  At first, I thought maybe she did do it but, what’s the big deal…my sisters stole from each other on a daily basis…especially if it was GUM!  Shortly after this my son was accused by his Stepmother of stealing a significant amount of money.  Mind you, there were the same two kids who literally thought the police were going to stop us at the doors of the movie theater for smuggling in candy to avoid paying quadruple the cost from the concession stand…, now I was more interested in the issue.  I talked to my son and truly believed him when he told me he didn’t take anything.  I spoke to his Father who was convinced that he took the money.  From that moment on, they were accused so many times of stealing in that house that they would go there and lock themselves in their rooms.  They were even fearful to walk down to the kitchen to get something to eat so, often went hungry.

The second instance of adult bullying came from, what I thought, was a good friend of mine.  She was married and our kids spent lots of time together playing as we talked and laughed and had fun.  Then one day she accused my daughter of stealing a dance video game disc.  This made no sense because the only way to play the game was if you also had the touch sensitive pads to put on the floor to dance on. She couldn’t ever play the game without them so, why would she steal it??  My ‘friend’ found the disc three days later but, on my end the damage was already done…she could no longer be trusted if she would misplace something and immediately come to the conclusion that my daughter took it.  I never spoke to her again and oddly enough she tried to friend me on Facebook a couple of years ago as if nothing ever happened.  Dummy.

The third person who accused one of my children of stealing something was my old neighbor.  My son would often hang out with her son.  She was also divorced.  One day she came to me and told me my son had stolen her son’s Gameboy.  I asked my son if he did already knowing what his answer would be. He told me no so, I told her that he didn’t steal it.  She stormed off angrily and I didn’t hear from her until a few days later when she called to tell me the Gameboy had turned up.  Her spin on it was that my son had figured out he was in trouble and put it back.  The only problem with that theory was that my son had not entered her house once after the Gameboy had been misplaced.  When I brought this to her attention, her response was to tell me that he must have somehow gotten it back in her house.  Seriously??

From then on, I picked my friends carefully.  My children literally avoided going to their friends houses and to this day are more introverted than most.  These adult bullies had changed the way they viewed the world.  They knew that they couldn’t trust people.  What an awful lesson to learn at the hands of ignorant adults.  The only revenge I really have is that my children have grown up to be the most trustworthy, amazing kids I know.  The fact that they had me on their side was not lost on them.  We talked in length about these three events and I successfully conveyed to them that the problem was not with them.  The one big way a bully wins, is if their target believes what the bully is saying or doing.

Now that I look back on these events, I am blown away by the realization that the same generation who tried to bully me and my sisters when we were young, grew up to bully my own children.  These people grew up to be adults who felt so bad about themselves that they made innocent children the targets of their self hate.  Now, THAT is sad.  I took care of them with my own children the same way I did for myself when I was young……ignore them and go on to live my life.  Luckily, I was present enough in my children’s lives enough to fight for them when I had to and to teach them about what was really at play there.  How shameful that adults act in this manner.  When I see all the news about bullies these days I know one thing to be true….bullies are raised to be the way that they are.  There is no excuse in the word for a child or an adult to act as a bully.  If they are that only means one thing….they are living with a parent who is bullying others or they are being bullied by that parent.  Either way, if the behavior is not taken care of at home they will grow up to repeat the pattern.

It is sad when a child bullies another child.  It is pathetic when an adult bullies a child.

Sam Hunt and My Son

Sam Hunt Takes on Domestic Violence in his video for his song, “Take your time”.  He portrays a young man who witnesses domestic violence in a family and intervenes to assist the young woman and her baby in their escape.  I see my son in Sam….I see his loving and protective nature.  I know my son would never stand by and let something like this happen.  I have told him all his life, not to listen to society.

I have told him to protect the women in his life, his sister, his Mother, his own future daughter.  I tell him to protect anyone who he sees that needs it.

That is what a man is.  That I managed to raise him to be the man he is, without the benefit of a Father or any other positive male roll model, makes me happy.

I know a lot of single Mothers worry about raising boys without a male in their lives.  My son is proof that it can be done.

The Beauty of Being a Persistent Person

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Eight years ago, I moved into a house in the town where my children had been going to school their entire lives.  When I moved in the landlord said he was planning on selling the house in 12 years.  I thought that was great because my children would graduate High school and after that it didn’t really matter where we lived.  We got a rescue dog and settled in.  About 3 years into it living there, the landlord started telling me he was going to sell the house.  He would flip-flop between selling and not selling on a weekly basis.  He was also stealing electricity from me for 8 years to supply a bay of 6 garages that he rented out but, I stayed because there were no other options in my town.  The bathroom floor was rotted out so, the bathroom was literally falling into the basement…that was scary.  This stressed me out enormously because, the town I live in is almost 100% single family homes that are in the $400,000 plus price range so finding another place seemed nearly impossible.  The last month we were in the house the downstairs of the house had little heat and would only get up to 50 degrees at night and the landlord refused to fix it.  He simply told me that there was only another month or so of cold weather and to deal with it.  I eventually called the health department and boy did that piss him off.  He sent me notice to vacate the house.

The other stressful thing that was going on was that my children did not see their father anymore.  What was supposed to be shared custody, was now me having full custody for the last eight years.  I wanted to take him back to court to increase child support because I was in desperate need of money since I was providing 100% of their care and the child support was based on shared custody.  If I brought him back to court and then had to move out-of-town because my landlord sold the house they would have to change schools…something I was trying to avoid at all cost.  If the school found out they were living in another town and that I had full custody they would literally arrest me for sending them to their old school.  This is common practice in Connecticut….to arrest parents for sending their children to a school system in a different town than where they lived.

So, I was living with less financial support than my kids deserved and just waiting for my landlord to tell me he was selling.  It got to the point where the sight of him sent me into a panic.  The thought of making my children change schools killed me.  The school system they are in is amazing.  They had already lost so much in their lives so, losing their friends and the life they had built would break my heart into a million pieces.  I was stuck under both their thumbs…my ex-husband and my landlord.  I was stuck like this for five years.

My Landlord broke it to me last October that I had to be out of the house by June.  My biggest fear realized.  Then in November my Ex-Husband stopped paying support for my son who turned 18 in November but, was still living with me full-time and attending college full-time.  He then told me he was going to claim the kids on his taxes even though he literally spent a total of 2 hours with them in the previous year.  I told him I would take him to court.  He didn’t believe I would and kept on with the threats until one day I had enough.  He was served by the Marshall on December 23….Merry Fucking Christmas deadbeat Dad.

Court was very stressful.  I didn’t have a lawyer but, Mr. “I am so broke”, walked in with his beautifully tailored suit and Lawyer in tow.  We went into the mediators office first.  Mistake number one was when his Lawyer began with this one sentence “You have been keeping him from his kids”.  My mind went into a rage.  This was a flat-out lie.  I know a lot of parents do this to each other but, I was not one of them.  I had done everything I could possibly do to facilitate a relationship between my children and their Father…he just wasn’t interested…he flat out didn’t care.  My head was reeling that someone could walk into a courthouse and lie like that.  Then his Lawyer told me that my ex and I never had a verbal agreement that I would claim both kids on my taxes because I was providing more than 50% of their care.  Another lie.  I looked straight at my ex and said, “So, this is how this is going down?  You are going into a courtroom, in front of a judge, and you are going to lie”.  The color left his face.  I was enraged.  Slowly, my mind began to work again.  You see, when he decided not to be a Father anymore I brought my kids to counseling to help them deal with it.  The counselor urged him many times to attend counseling to no avail.  It was all on record.  Legal documents.  I had him.  If the judge saw that he was lying about me blocking his access to my children then she would not believe that for four years, I claimed both kids on my taxes and he didn’t notice.  The lie that we did not have a verbal agreement would be revealed.

I then told his Lawyer that I would love to go to trial.  He looked at me perplexed.  I was supposed to be an intimidated, shrinking violet.  He had clearly lost control of the situation.  He ushered my Ex out of the room.  When they came back, they agreed not to go back for the tax money from me claiming both kids but, he still wanted to claim one.  I said No.  they talked.  I kept saying no.  I stood my ground.  Finally they gave up.  I even got my Daughter’s child support increased.  I went in there without a Lawyer and still won what was best for my children.  I actually, think I was better off without a Lawyer.  Persistence.

With that battle over the next worry was a place to live.  I began looking as soon as my tax return hit my bank account.  It was discouraging.  I found one house for rent for $6000 a month!!  I kept looking and ran across a house in my price range.  I called and he had already found someone to rent to.  I kept looking but, on a whim I called him back a couple of weeks later.  He told me the deal fell through and I made arrangements to see the house.  It is an over-sized Cape in a great area.  I told him right then and there I would write him a check and signed a lease the next day.  We moved seven days later and I am in love with the new place and best of all my daughter will graduate with her friends.  Persistence.

I can breathe now.  I am not under anyone’s thumb.  I feel free.  I feel like the weight of the world is off my shoulders.  If it were not for the pit bull I turn into in regard for my children’s well-being we would not be in the beautiful position that we are.  I am one bad ass single Mother.

My Washing Machine Broke and I Cried

I know that seems kind of extreme.  I think it’s been the month…maybe its the lack of sunshine….maybe it just been 50 different things going wrong in a short period of time.  I usually handle things relatively well but, here I sit, tears streaming down my face because my washing machine broke.  The drier was already broken.  Well, it dried the clothes but, it took a while because the heating element burned out.  It did dry them though.

I think this whole thing started the week before I went to court to get full custody of my daughter.  My anxiety was through the roof a full week prior…peaked when the guy who was so broke walked into court with a Lawyer telling lies right to my face.  I mean do or say anything to me but DON’T ever tell me something about myself that isn’t true.  The real truth was revealed thanks to my excellent record keeping but, to hear the Father of your two children say those things just so he could save a buck… took the wind out of me.  It felt like I was seeing the evidence of how little he cared about them presented in front of me.  I honestly don’t care what he or anyone has to say about me.  It was that he was motivated to say these things to save himself money.  That hurt me more than anything.  He used to be a good father.  Now, neither of my kids will even talk to him.  I feel their pain physically.  It drained me to know that he cared so little about them.

So, I need a new washer and dryer and my kids are sad.  I have a male friend (the one who sent me the confusing poem) who simply adores me and would do anything for me but, there’s always a fucking ‘but’, isn’t there.  He pursued a relationship and then pulled out the “I am not ready”, rug out from under me.  I see him and everything is great ,and then I leave and who know what’s really going on.

Now, I am stuck going to a black tie event with him on Saturday and the only good think I can think of about it is that I will have a designated driver and a decent meal…..the rest I don’t even want to think about.   I don’t understand it.  If I am not into someone I don’t go out with them nevermind buy them things and bring them places.  I just tell them that I am not into them in a kind way.  With this guy its mixed messages central.  I feel bad every time I see him because I think it’s going to change…it feels like it has changes and then I go home and realize nothing has changed.

I am going to see a house tomorrow so we might be moving in two weeks.  Yes, I said two weeks.  I have nothing packed.  Luckily, I keep throwing things away that I don’t use so it won’t be that awful but, it’s over-the-top stressful to move in the best circumstances.

`With all this going on, the last thing I need right now is to get all dressed up and go out Saturday night.  It’s too late to cancel…I made a promise.  I’m just afraid the wine will get to me and I will start crying on the way home.  I know this is the last time I will see him.  He doesn’t know that.

I think I’m just going to tell him I’m crying because my washer and dryer are both broken.  Then I will tell him I can’t see him anymore between wiping my eye makeup all over my face and blowing my nose.  Knowing him, I will have a new washer and dryer delivered the next day because he is genuinely a kind (but, horribly confused) person but, I know I need to end things for good.  I feel like a Yoyo.  I would never do that to someone so, why is he doing it to me?  I keep telling him that something is wrong but I won’t tell him what.  He keeps telling me he is here for me….drawing me in deeper, only to give me the already heard, ‘I am not ready for more’, speech.  Last time he started, I interrupted him and basically said all the things he was going to say.  That’s how many times I’ve heard it.  I’m bored with it now.

I just have to keep thinking that in a month all of this will be over.  New house.  No “boyfriend”.  My children’s Father will crawl back into his hole.  I will get a new washer and dryer and my life will be back to normal.  I will be blissfully alone.  My life devoid of men.  Apparently, having one around breaks my concentration so when something minor like an appliance breaks it throws me overboard.  If I’m alone, all I have to do is figure out how I’m going to solve my latest problem.  I am better alone More centered.

I was talking to an old friend today.  I asked her if her husband would be going to the event with her Saturday night and the floodgates broke.  She started telling me that she is horribly unhappy and how emotionally abusive this man, who she once loved, is.  He told her that no one will ever love her.  What kind of thing is that to say to the Mother of your children.  I’m sort of glad he isn’t going because I would have made a comment or two to him.  I asked her why she stays and she says she it to afraid to raise her kids on her own.

That got me thinking.  I do cry over things like appliances but, I don’t have to live with someone who emotionally abuses me…so, maybe my life isn’t so bad.  Now, I just have to get rid of Mr Indecisive and maybe a broken washer won’t make me cry.  I am positive if he were not in my life I would be reacting in a more appropriate manner.  He just serves as a reminder to me of what I don’t have in my life…..someone to call to talk about the broken washer and help me figure out what were going to do next.

Sometimes the people in your life who are not supposed to make you feel alone, end up doing just that.